Helping you keep up with the Valcho Boys of Benton, Louisiana.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Christmas Play

Matthew, Allison and George participated as "extras" in the Christmas play at Cypress Baptist Church. There were two Acts, one religious and one secular. In the secular portion we dressed as people from the early 1900's.

In the religious Act Matthew was a shepherd boy and I was KING! As in one of the three wise men.

Daniel planned to participate but it was a little involved for him. We had practice about 17 times. Plus we were at the church to help with stage construction. At the end Daniel was just worn out and we couldn't count on him to act his small part. So he sat in the audience for all four performances.

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About Me

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I am a Christian. I believe every person has a unique God given ability to excel and make a difference in this world. And, by the way, it feels great to be saved. I am married to Allison and I am the father of two boys, Matthew and Daniel. Check out our family blog noted in my profile.