Helping you keep up with the Valcho Boys of Benton, Louisiana.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

New York Mets

The boys (all three of us) rode the "7" train to Queens to see the Mets play in Shea Stadium. The Mets won 3-1. The Mets have a new stadium under construction right next to Shea. It was cool to see Citi Field, which will open in 2009. We had great seats on the Mezzanine Level directly behind home plate.

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About Me

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I am a Christian. I believe every person has a unique God given ability to excel and make a difference in this world. And, by the way, it feels great to be saved. I am married to Allison and I am the father of two boys, Matthew and Daniel. Check out our family blog noted in my profile.